Sunday, November 6, 2011

October 24, 2011

So last week with transfer calls they split our proselyting area in half! We worked hard and got things done, and they thought 2 companionships should work on what we were doing. With the split, we moved apartments into an old Sisters apartment...which was weird. It was cleaner than a typical old Elders apartment which was great!

Last week we had a baptism! Jackie Outridge from Guyana was baptized. It was a great service and had a special spirit. We saw Jackie at Stake Conference yesterday and she had loved hearing our mission President and Stake President speak. She is awesome and loves the church. Baptism and feeling the spirit through the complete, restored, church of the Lord changes people. It’s amazing to see.

At Stake Conference, the Toronto Stake President, President Wong, spoke. He had a great message about being grateful and thankful for what we have. I'm not as eloquent or powerful as he is, but the message was that we have so many things! We can afford food, we have two feet, eyes, ears, a voice, and a quick and sharp mind to aid us through life. We have families, and we have the gospel!

Later in the day, I had a humbling experience that built off what I was taught earlier in the day. We were tracting in an old ghetto-ish part of the city. In this rundown apartment building we knocked on a door and we were let in. We sat down at the table, and started to get to know the people who had let us in.....The boy who opened the door for us is named Alex. He is 16, he is actually homeless, he was just visiting and staying with his friend (the apartment owner) for the weekend. His dad is abuse and his mom kicked him out his home about 6 months ago. He's been living on the streets of Toronto since then. He has been running from violent people from his past, and dealing with many drug and alcohol related addictive behaviors. He is on the run with Veronica, the other person in the apartment. She is 17, and she is 6 months pregnant. She ran away from home after suffering abuse most of her life. She has been in and out of pregnancy homes for the past few months, and struggles to have enough food. She is staying with Alex to stay safe. Neither of them have a home, and neither of them have anybody in their life who loves or cares about them. They have so many obstacles to overcome, starting with themselves, before they can progress. And they aren't the only ones. There are many who are in similar situations as them. As we are teaching about prayer and Jesus Christ, I survey the scene and see open alcohol bottles and a bag of weed sitting on the table. I take in the environment that I am in and I realize how truly blessed I am. I was born into a wealthy country. I have two great parents who love me very much, they work for my well being. I have wonderful siblings who I have great relationships with. I've always had enough money and live in a nice, beautiful, clean, and safe part of the world. I've been blessed to have the gospel and on top of that I've been blessed with a testimony that it is true. I get to be a missionary and share this with others. What more could I ask for? How can I ever complain about my circumstances ever again? The feelings that came into my heart during this experience can't be explained. And they can't be conveyed through an email either. Simply put-we are blessed. We don't even realize how blessed we are. Heavenly Father loves us. He micro manages our lives beyond what we give credit for. He wants us to be happy and all we need to do is listen to the spirit.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored through Joseph Smith. It teaches us how to be happy. I'm happy for hard experiences. That is really why we came here. To grow through painful and difficult adversity. It’s part of the plan! It prepares us to be better in the future. Enduring with humility is the key!

Keep moving forward with steadfast faith in Christ!

Elder Porter

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