Sunday, November 6, 2011

August 2, 2011

More times of character, mental, and spiritual growth here on the dandy mission. The Lord stretches you just how he knows you won't like it, haha! Just where you're weak is where he tugs at.

I'm continually learning the importance and how much of a blessing having the gospel knowledge is to us. It really is a great thing. Not many people have it. You go finding and get an unfavorable welcome by the world that lasts the whole time you're outside, then you come back to the car and turn on some hymns and you feel the spirit so strongly lifting you back up and helping you feel how great this really is. It helps you keep your purpose in mind.

One of the fruits from the spirit is learning from your own instruction. I had the experience yesterday teaching a less-active member. I was giving instruction and at the end of my sentence I felt I learned something I didn't know before. It was something that has and is helping me in my current assignment as a missionary. The Lord works in so many small and simple ways it is very easy to miss if you aren't constantly searching for the lesson you are supposed to learn or the personal obstacle you are to overcome.

We're helping a recent convert finish off his smoking habit. He's waiting to get the Aaronic Priesthood, Patriarchal Blessing, and do baptisms for the dead until he can kick the habit. He is one of the most sincere church members I have ever met, and he has the strongest testimony of nearly all people I know. We had a powerhouse lesson with him and helped him see it was possible to overcome the habit. We gave the "stop smoking lesson", gave him a blessing, and left. It was pretty much a spiritual bomb and we were out. He is doing great. The gospel is true.

Love, E. Porter

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