Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

Goooood morning!!! We sure have been blessed here in Toronto with astoundingly warm weather for December! Currently it's around 10C and raining. This time last year when I was here we had nearly 4 feet of snow. We've been blessed, but the warm spell is sure to come to a screeching halt pretty soon here...

Week one of having my new assignments has been great! My new companion's name is Elder Montana Welch! He is a great and humble kid from Monticello, Utah! He comes from a town of only 1,500. He's grown up in the church his whole life and has a great big family-9 kids! He wants to show his faith by being a missionary, and wants to develop the skills, talents, and testimony that we are capable of obtaining if we apply ourselves. Normal apprehensions regarding speaking to strangers still exist, but they did for me at this time too-no big deal. Here is a picture with my trainer, Elder Lee, and Elder Welch.

Elder Welch and I have had a great week...extremely hectic getting settled, finding time for all I have to do, meeting members and investigators, and getting the hang of things together, but still great nonetheless. We had some great lessons with investigators...Elder Welch taught a great part of a lesson about baptism to an investigator who has turned down the invitation to be baptized, and the spirit taught us all and softened the investigators heart. Elder Welch is a great teacher, and we've had some great spiritual experiences so far, with many, many more to come over the next few months.

I'm part of the sweetest District in the world. 2 Farsi companionships and 2 English. All 4 companionships have trainees with their first companion still-it's incredible. So much greenie faith!! They are teachable and want to learn, so it makes my job a lot easier. I planned and conducted my first District Meeting this past Thursday-it was a great learning experience! It went well, and we focused on our missionary purpose. The spirit was felt and important truths were learned. It was a great experience.

Things are still chugging along....I cringe and feel nauseous when I realize my 13 month mark is just around the corner...I don't enjoy talking about or thinking about how long I've been out and how long I have left. These new missionaries are so lucky they have so much time left, and I would trade them spots if I could. I love this work and know the gospel in its fullness has been restored through Joseph Smith. I know the Book of Mormon is true and this pathway will make us happier than anything else!

-Elder Porter

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