Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 11, 2011

Well, in 1 week I will be hitting my 5 MONTH MARK. Man, I am not a baby missionary anymore. I'm getting "older" every day. It’s kind of depressing actually.

I have been serving here in the city of London, in the London 2nd ward for nearly 4.5 month, or for 3 transfers. 3 or 4 transfers are pretty normal, but 4 are much more common for a walking area. As the transfer drew to a close over the past week, a desire started to grow bigger and bigger inside me to stay a little bit longer in this area. When I got here I didn't like it. Not much at all. I liked being a missionary, but not London. I worked my guts out and tried to be happy, optimistic, and hard working. It wasn't until I realized that my time in London may be drawing to a close, that I started to feel with strong emotion how much I love it here. I didn't even realize it until recently. I love it so much. I love the people, I love the ward, I love the stupid hills I have to walk up every day in any direction I walk from my apartment, I love our investigators, I love the memories, I love the things I have been blessed with while I've been serving here, and I love the things I've learned about myself, the gospel, and the way this area has changed me for the better. It’s just another experience on the pile of things that shapes me into who I must be. I received my transfer call last night, I will be heading to the Heart Lake Ward, in the Brampton Zone. I know Heart Lake isn't a city, I think it may even be inside of Brampton. I'm not sure. Its most likely just west of Toronto, in the suburbs that way. I am going to be paired up with Elder Hancock, who has been out for 2 transfers more than me. We're a pretty young companionship, but Brampton is ALWAYS loaded with the best missionaries. They've got to set a model zone for the rest of the mission. It’s where the headquarters is, and where the AP's work and things. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Elder Hancock, so I'm REALLY excited. Brampton even has a motto-"BRAMPTON BAPTISES". It’s a nicer part of Ontario (or so I've heard), and it’s pretty close to the Toronto temple. Oh, I GET A CAR TOO! HA! Yeah, pretty excited about that. Walking was cool and had its perks, but walking in the summer would be tough. That’s really all I know about my new area...I have no clue what the address is or anything, but I'll get that by next Monday.

So after I got my call last night, I just sat at my desk, staring at the wall for about 45 minutes. It pretty much shattered my entire universe, ha. I wasn't expecting it, and I didn't want it to come. It’s so funny how big changed make you realize what you really feel about places and people. I love it here. I am going to say goodbye to my FAVORITE people in the whole world...Bro. and Sis. Hofstetter. They've had the BIGGEST influence on my mission. They are incredible people, and they honestly changed who I am. We visit them every Sunday, many times for dinner. I love them so much. I love lots of people here.  It’s going to be really sad to leave. Man.

I finished this area with a strong push though. We've got 2 investigators with baptismal dates, 1 of which is SUPER solid with no concerns thus far. We're working with an amazing 13 year old girl, whose mother isn't letting her be baptized. But we've been working with her mother, and they are coming to stake conference together this Sunday! She even had me and my comp over for dinner last week. Things are looking up with nearly everything now. I'm glad I was able to leave this area better than when I found it. It was a tough past 6 weeks. But I made it through.

The Lord has His hand in this work, and in our lives. It is so easy to see if you step back. Everything around us points towards a loving Heavenly Parent. We're so lucky to be blessed with this truth and knowledge that we all have. We've got to take advantage of the light that we have. We've got to pray more sincerely, study more diligently, be more exactly obedient...these simple little things make the make-or-break difference in the end. I pray that we can all remember that we are simply clay in the hands of our Master. Everything will work out. I love the gospel, my Lord, and my mission. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, and I'm receiving the positive consequences that come from it.

Never forget to "ELEVATE THE STANDARD"


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